three ways to fight off the enemy…
I know we have all felt it, that attack of fear, inadequacy, second thoughts, doubts and more. I have and here are few thing I do to combat it.
We have to expect it. When we are moving in a direction that creates positive change, working on spiritual growth and building our relationship with God, the enemy will do anything to stop the progress. Expect it! This is one reason why I love to talk about and push the idea of making sure we are DAILY doing things to armor ourselves against what the enemy will bring because He will bring it.
Recognize the source. Remember that God does not give us the spirit of fear ( 2 Timothy 1:7). The feelings of fears, thoughts of shame or doubt are not from God. Those are from the enemy and he wishes to tear you down in anyway possible. Don’t flirt with them, don’t agree with them…
Dismiss and rebuke him. He’s not allowded and you have the authority to dismiss him. Create a habit or simply pushing those feelings and thoughts out and focus on the truth that God says and believe in you. Grab your bible and read a verse, say a quick prayer.
One quick bonus: surround yourself with positive community who support you in your growth and progression. Have a team behind you, cheering you on and encouraging you in the process.
God is aware of the enemies schemes, but He will not let Him prevail. My prayer for you is that we can build daily practices to fight him off and be able to live a Godly life without Satan holding us back.
All the love,