let’s quit…

I am not a quitter. I don’t like it. I actually did a personality test one time and it said one of my strongest qualities as a person is my loyalty. The test even said that I can be so loyal I will even stay committed even if I am completely unhappy. Then, when you mix that with being an overly optimistic person? Let’s just say I’ve found myself hanging on to a lot of things that don’t serve me.

Recently, during one of my coaching certification courses a couple of weeks ago, we talked about quitting. I actually had a lot of anxiety about the session (and maybe a little disregard.) Quit? Who quits? Me? Never. I’m hanging on forever…literally.

But as the session hit about halfway point, I came to see the incredible freedom that comes from quitting on things that are either a distraction, expired, or unattainable. I could not believe how much I had clung for so long. And the best part? When we “quit” we have more time, and energy, and focus on the things in our life (or people) that truly matter and make an impact.

So while the world tells us to white knuckle it all til the end, I want to offer you a permission slip to quit. Quit on it—quit on the things that are holding you back (yes, people included), quit on the ideas that are just cluttered and not going anywhere, quit on what is not working. Quit.

Find the freedom we are all seeking for a more simple, focused, and intentional life.

What are you going to “quit?”


“who told you that?”


season of change: let go.