Christmas Favorites!

Did you know my love language is “gifts”? I love giving, and I do it in all sorts of forms. But don’t be surprised if I drop something off at your house and say, “I saw this and thought of you.” It’s about the simple gesture and knowing you are a part of someone’s life or day.

Here are a handful of my holiday favorites. From gifts to clothes to recipes, knickknacks, and accessories. Enjoy!

Snuggle Blanket

Warm Dessert (I half the sugar)

Oversized Sweater (so cute with leggings and sneakers)

Travel Backpack

Family Christmas Devotional (grab a 3 ft tree while you’re at it)

Coffee/Tea Mug

Keychain (and….you are. wink)

Goals Planner

Hair Clips

Yummy Soup Recipe

Pens & Notebooks

Yearly Planner

Workout Leggings (or lounging)

House Slipper or Clogs

Body Butter

Insulated Tumbler (PS. It’s not a Staley)

FRESH! Front Door Christmas Wreath (get it today!!!)

Makeup Line (anything from this line your daughter or friend will love. My favorite, favorite is the mascara and eye brightener)

Workout Shoes

Recipe Book (these may not be the “healthiest,” but they are quick and my kids love them…I pick and choose).

Bath Bombs

Winter Boots

Bible Highlighters

Self Help Book (everyone needs to read this—-great gift)

Cute Banner for your House

Monthly Chrisitan Box Subscription

Essential Oil Diffuser

Workout Tanks

Wow! That’s over 30 goodies for you. I’m praying my links work! Have the best holiday season. Thanks for being here.




get real: holiday edition


“who told you that?”